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Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm feeling good :)  I have some serious positivity flowing through my veins.  I've worked hard this week to get my head together.  It's weird to think that attitude is a choice...... Obviously life can throw some distractions but at the end of the day we decide how we think; how we react to certain situations and ultimately our entire attitude and outlook on life.   Before November 19th I did not spend every day wondering about my life and how much time I had left or about what could go wrong so why should I now.  Today is a perfect day to just enjoy life.  And I had such a nice day. I had my second workout this week.  I am so unbeleiveable sore!  I had lunch with a dear friend.  I ran some mindless errands and stopped by rollin oats for my 2nd wheatgrass shot of the day and a super yummy juice (beets, kale, cucumber, carrots, ginger and celery).  I spent the evening being a normal mom.... playing with the kiddos and cooking everyone dinner.  And now Sean and I are relaxing, watching mindless, silly TV.  We are also planning our 7th wedding anniversary this March.  We are going a little overboard with a 10 day trip to Europe to celebrate us and to celebrate our life together.  I'll post more about that trip once it's planned.

I'm trying a few new things next week.  I have a lympatic massage and a ionic foot bath scheduled and I am thinking about seeing a chiropractor.  I have only been once and I did not like the adjustment but I do feel really out of line.  My left hip feels out of wack and my whole core feels off.  The goal of the foot bath and massage is to get rid of toxins in my body.   My diet has been so good too.  I have turned into this veggie machine.  And I feel great.  I encourage anyone to purge the processed foods and high fructose corn syrup and enjoy the raw, natural goodness that veggies and some fruits can provide!  I've really enjoyed Kris Carr's book "Crazy sexy Kitchen".  There are a ton of yummy recipes in that book. The black bean burgers were amazing!

Have a wonderful weekend.


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