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About Me

Lets see if I can sum up Jenesa in a few paragraphs.  Today, I’m a 34 years old and a mother of two amazing little kiddos.  I live in Tampa and work full-time as a medical device representative.  Prior to November of 2012 my life was pretty “normal” and wonderful.  I’ve had to learn how to recreate a new normal and I can honestly say that life is more beautiful and fulfilling then ever. 

I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.  I am the middle child :) I am very close with my two sisters and both of my parents.  I have always been very active and involved in some sort of sport. I was a soccer player throughout my childhood all the way through college and even coached a bit.  I have never smoked a cigarette and I have been healthy my entire life.  I went to Appalachian State University and finished my Bachelor’s Degree at Florida State University.  

Being diagnosed with two different types of appendix cancer literally knocked me on my A$$.  The heartbreak and devastation I endured was intense but with the love and support of my family and friends, I pulled myself out of those dark days and I changed my life.  These blog posts document my journey.  Today I am feeling great! I feel healthier than I’ve ever felt.  I take nothing for granted. I look at everything from a different angle now and I enjoy the simplest things so very much. My life is full of love, happiness, adventure and laughter. 


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