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Friday, December 14, 2012

hello friends

It's me, Jenesa.  I am feeling SO much better today.  They let me have liquids and tomorrow I get to have some real food!!!  My last meal (as in solid food) was last Friday night 12/7/12) so I am ready to eat.  This experience has been such a whirlwind.  I was ready for the surgery.  I knew I had to do it so getting it over with was something I wanted to do.  Monday after the surgery was the easiest day out of M/T/W/Th. Probably because I still was under some of the effects of aneasthesia.  Tuesday and Wednesday were yucky mainly because of the NG tube.    I understand that it serves such an important purpose but holy schmoly I HATE IT,  I was actually hallucinating a bit from the narcotics.... so weird.  I don't like drugs and am happy to be off all narcotics.Wednesday night I was certain there was nothing more miserable.  My heart breaks a little knowing that my mom had to see me go through what I went through wednesay night.  Aa a mother, I can't imagine how hard that must have been.   But the good news is Thursday was better than Wednesday, especially since they took that tube out in the morning and Friday has been the best day yet. Sean even squeezed into the twin hospital bed with me and we both got some sleep.  He brings me so much comfort.  The only annoyance is the feeling i have in my throat.  I can't wait for that to heal.  My tummy is sensitive but I know that in time that will get better.  My incission hasn't been painful at all (unless I cough)

I am still trying to process everything.  I feel like I'm starting a new life.  I'm still similar to the old J, but I'm different.  I am a me... but a cancer survivor.  Even though I just typed that I can't believe that I was diagnosed with cancer.  What?  I know that concentrating on that does me no good so I will not spend any more energy on thinking about what bad has happened because of the cancer.  I will concentrate on the good.  I am a survivor.  I am surrounded by a loving family, amazing friends and a God that loves me and has protected me through this challenging time.  The amount of prayer I have received has been like a blanket.  It has all covered me with love and hope and helped me heal.  Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me. 

Thank you for the meals provided for my family and for me.  Knowing that there has been yummy food for my children while I was away has been so comforting.  My room smells like a floral shop.  It really does. so Thank you for the flowers, gifts and lovc.  

And because I love all of you, do me this one favor.  Take care of yourself too.


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