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Thursday, February 21, 2013


I've been very fatigued lately.  I'm sure it has a lot to do with being back at work and the whole low iron thing ;) I really struggle with over analyzing everything.  Whether it's how tired I've been or if I have a random pain or ache in my abdomen; I literally notice everything.  I have to talk myself off the "there's something wrong with me" cliff.  I annoy myself.

All in all, I'm feeling good.  I'm feeling physically strong.  I'm feeling mentally stronger every day.  I'm consciously greatful for every day.  I try to take a few deep breaths every day.   I make sure to enjoy the  little things that are easily taken for granted, like the amazing weather we've been having, the awesome breeze, all of the stars in the sky on a clear night....... and of course every second I get with my kiddos.

Tonight I was holding Liam before I put him to bed and I just wanted to freeze time.  He still loves cuddling with me.  All he wants is for me to sing "twinkle twinkle", give him kisses and rock him.  I love his sweet voice and his constant smile.  And Ava is such a joy. She has such personality.  I could just listen to her carry on.  She was telling me all about the two letter phonograms she knows and how many her friends know.  And even though she's growing up so quickly, I love sneaking in after she's fallen asleep and seeing her sweet face that still resembles what she looked like as a sleeping baby.


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