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Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today is 2 years since my entire world changed.  If someone were to tell me two years and one day ago where I'd be today, I'd tell them they were crazy!  A double cancer diagnosis, 3 surgeries, a divorce, two moves, new job and a whole lot of other stuff thrown in the mix..... Yes, I'd tell them they were absolutely crazy.
But, the craziest part is despite all that craziness, I am so  incredibly happy.  I've learned more about life in the past two years then most people do in a lifetime..   I know how abundantly blessed I am to have my health, my family and my friends.   I know tomorrow isn't guaranteed to anyone so I live  BIG each day, I take nothing for granted and I have so much hope and optimism for tomorrow.
I'm writing this from my iPhone, in JFK airport on my way back from Diem's funeral.  I'm exhausted, mostly emotionally but physically too.   But today is a big day and I will celebrate.
Thank you for all of your prayers throughout the past two years.  My next scan is on December 2nd.  Please pray for clear scans and bloodwork.  I'm  nervous but believe everything will be normal.

Lots of love.


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