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Friday, June 14, 2013

Invision me well

Hello everyone.  I had a great week and I'm very excited to spend the weekend with my family.  I had another session this week to work on my subconscience thoughts.  I feel like I am getting so much out of the time I spend there.  Our whole subconscience being is created throughout our life, including infancy and possible in the womb.  I know some people may be skeptical but every experience in our life shapes us.
Anyway, one thing that Traci and I discussed (that is the woman's name who is working with me) is the power of intention.  I was telling her how incredibly blessed I have been having so many people praying for me.  One suggestion she made is that we all should invision me well and totally healthy- from the tips of my toes all the way up to the top of my head :) I hope you don't mind me telling you what to think :) but if you are thinking about me or praying for me, please think of me in total health not battling cancer.  Please thank God or whoever you pray to for the healing that has occured in my body.  This is a practice that we all can do within ourselves.  If there is something that you are concerned about, instead of spending powerful energy thinking about the fear, concentrate deeply on your desire.  For example, if you are worried about loosing your job, the worst thing you can do is ruminate on how your life is going to be if you are unemployed and how you are doomed and how you'll never survive.  At this point you haven't even lost your job yet.  Instead, meditate on the truth that no matter what you will be ok. That you are capable of anything. That you can survive and that all is perfect today.
Thank you again for all of the support. I am forever grateful.


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