She called me back in less then in hour with news that I dread hearing. The good: there is no apparent signs of the cancer being back. Like, no mass or obvious tumor which I am incredibly grateful for. But the bad: an area in my small intestines are telescoping (imagine a telescope going in) This could be totally transient and a fluke. It could also be from the scar tissue that is likely in there from the 3 abdominal surgeries. It could also be carcinomatosis, which is a super fancy word for cancer. A Mucinous Neoplasm is a tricky cancer. It's very hard to detect on scans which makes this extra frightening and brings back horrific memories from 2.5 years ago. It's easy to say it's scar tissue, which is what she said it is likely from but fear is a powerful thing and just the 3 minute conversation has knocked me down a little. But I will process through it and be back to myself as fast as possible. I know I'm strong and healthy and no matter what will be ok.
So what does this mean..... They recommended a CT scan in 3 months with oral and IV contrast of my pelvis and abdomen. This is different because I typically have MRIs (because there's minimal radiation with MRIs and a ton with CT scans) but CTs can give a clearer picture. Maybe I should just switch to CTs. Why 3 months. I don't officially know but I'm assuming it's because this telescoping can resolve on it's own so to do the test now wouldn't give my body time to fix itself. I asked a bunch of what if questions but those are useless until we know what's wrong.
As far as how I've been feeling.... I feel great. I'm so happy and feel overall really good. There are things that I notice if I look at myself under a microscope but I can never tell if it's something I need to be concerned over or if I ate something that upset my altered GI system.
This telescoping does put me at an increased risk of a bowel obstruction. This would be AWFUL. Painful, miserable, scary and life threatening. I've had no issues and intend to keep it that way.
Please pray that this is nothing but a fluke and that I stay healthy. I appreciate any positive thoughts, prayers, white light and good vibes you want to send my way. Invision me healthy (Jenesa's Journey: Invision me well: )
Thank you in advance :)

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