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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

quick update

After thinking about the upcoming CTscan in August nonstop for almost a week I decided that I will fly to Pittsburgh to UPMC to have the scan and will see Dr. Bartlett face to face the same day. My awesome mom will be coming with me ;)  This way I will have answers the same day.  If I did the scan in Tampa I would have to get my oncologist to order the scans (which can occasionally be difficult) then I'd have to wait for the local radioligist to read the scan (and this is only preliminary since they are not specialized in the specific cancer) then I'd have to wait to get my hands on the disc and report, then I'd have to overnight the disc and report then I'd need to wait to hear from someone at Dr. Bartlett's office. For those of you who know me, you know I'm not very good with waiting.  I'm a do'er and I like to get information quickly.  I move at a fast pace and flying to Pittsburgh fixed all of the above. 

I had my local oncologist appointment today. Good news, all tumor markers are normal.  When he walked in he said something along the lines of "scan looked perfect"  Of course I questioned him about the "telescoping". He is not concerned, feels like it is totally transient and will resolve on it's own.  I told him of my plans to go see Dr. Bartlett given his (Dr. Bartlett's) opinion on the MRI. We had a lovely conversation about my current health, happiness and a positive outlook on a long life ahead.  My favorite part of the appointment was when he drew out what our cells do..... we concentrated on T-cells which branch off and form NK cells or natural killer cells.  He then told me to take 3 minutes a day and to meditate on my NK cells charging throughout my entire body and killing anything that is abnormal.  He said the NK cells are like Hyenas, they are literally beasts that destroy foreign cells.  I LOVE THIS.  I believe 100% in the power of intention and often invision organic food fueling and healing my body and lately I have been channeling the amazing amount of prayer and light you all have been sending me straight to my body.  I am so thankful that my oncologist also believes this does work. 

I am feeling good.  I had a few rough days but I think I've sorted through all the emotions and fear.


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