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Friday, December 14, 2012

Update from Sean

Well if I am typing that means Jenesa is not quite ready to do the updates. This morning we are thankful for no tubes, kind nurses, talking, fresh flowers, and comfy blankets.

Before I go forward let me take you back.

Surgical day 3 (Thursday 12:00am) - I am home 48hours of no sleep or shower has made me smelly and useless to Jenesa. Her mom didn't have to do much persuading. I don't think she knows what she's in for. The past two nights have been rough.

The best part about being home was seeing the kids. Vika and Tila did an amazing job taking care of them. Not surprising, the house looks amazing too. Thank you Vika. When I got home Wednesday night I heated the pool and took Ava and Liam swimming. I didn't care that it was raining (no lightning.) I just wanted to see them playing, laughing and having fun.

I know you aren't reading this to find out about my day. I got my first indication of how things were going back at the hospital when I got a text from Jenesa at 3am. What are they putting in her IV? Red Bull?? Most nights at home I'm teasing her for wanting to go to bed at 8:30pm. How is she awake after all the drugs they have given her to make her relax and not eating for 5 days? Her text was all the information I needed to know things weren't getting any easier for Jenesa.

At 5:30am I got a phone call from Rea (mom) confirming my suspicions. She told me Jenesa was asking for me. I have known Rea for eight years. I couldn't ask for a better mother-in-law. I really feel like she is my second mom and friend. She NEVER complains. A few years ago She broke a rib going down a slide with Ava and never complained, cried or told many people. She is a giver. I have personally witnessed her prepare and cook a meal for thirty people with one days notice, again with a smile and no complaint. Jenesa and her mom have a special bond too. They talk everyday. When I got a text from her in addition to the phone call I knew things had to be really, really hard for her mom.

I got to the hospital around 7:45am. It was obvious that Rea didn't get a wink of sleep. She told me that Jenesa was having trouble with anxiety and her NG tube. The anxiety issue isn't new. It saved her life. If she had ignored the pain that started all this her appendix could have burst sending the cancer all over. Now her anxiety seems to be taking over. I am hoping she will recognize this and get it under control. Being on so many narcotics isn't helping. In fact Rea told me they stopped the narcotics and are just giving her a local (shot) to help with pain.

A few minutes after I got there Dr. Hodul showed up. She took a look at Jenesa and said to the nurse, "take her NG tube out." Whew, the day is starting out well. Her main source of problems, the NG tube is comming out and being off narcotics should help her calm down. Dr Hodul also said she was progressing just fine.

The rest of the day was full of  visitors, Melissa Walters, brought us some soup. Yummy. Jenifer Austin brought Jenesa one of Liam's stuffed animals. She loves it. Shaina, Alec, and Adrienne brought a beautiful blue orchid. Steve her business partner talked to her for a while, that made her feel better. He must have enjoyed the fact that he could get a word in since she has NO voice. We also got a visit from a Rabbi, Christine, Megan, Mark Lee, and Scott. I really hope I'm not forgetting anyone.

Next goal - wake that belly up!! So she can eat.

Surgical day 4 (Friday) 4:00 am. Besides zero sleep, by far the best night yet! I have got to ask them for some of that IV juice. I want to thank the Bainbridge family for the meditation CDs. They have really helped calm both of us. The biggest issue is her throat. When she had the NG tube in, it irritated her throat which caused mucus to build up. It is difficult with her sutures to cough that up. Also, on a normal day, she doesn't do well swallowing pills. Unfortunately, there is a pill she has to swallow but refuses to because she is afraid it may get stuck or cause her to gag. Still no voice.

She is doing really well with getting up to walk. We walked twice in the early am. Dr G is here now. He is giving us a good prognosis. If she can get the blue pill down and keep walking that shoul get her belly awake.

Thank you all for your prayers, gifts, friendship, love, and hope.




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