Anytime I get anxious about the surgery I tell myself that I this is the necessary step to get the rest of the tumor out. (clean margin) Sean and I met with Moffit's anesthesiologist today. I'm leaning towards getting that epidural. It will be nice to have one, big safety net for pain management as I wake up from the surgery.
My cold is going away. I'm not sure if it was just a nasty virus or if the antibiotic is working, but I'm feeling better. My appetite is getting better too. I'm not loosing any more weight. (in fact I may have gained a pound or two.)
The next 6 days will be full of tying up loose ends with work, the holidays and for this mamma being a bit out of commission for a few weeks.
I want to thank you again for all of the prayers, positive thoughts and encouraging words. It ALL helps. Please pray for a successful surgery. For no complications. For my surgeon and medical team. For my recovery. For the pathology report (from anything removed during surgery) to come back clean. For my family.
Thank you.
There are things that we can not control. But there are things that we can control. And what I know is that I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be a SURVIVOR. I have a lot of living left to do!
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