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Thursday, December 6, 2012


I spoke to my surgeon a little while ago.  It was so nice of her to call and fill me in on the tumor board conversations. She reconfirmed that the two tumors are in fact two seperate types of cancer (boo) but she was so positive.  I feel like it's her job to tell a patient when things are looking grim and when things are good.  So, when she said, "You are going to be fine!  There's a good chance these tumors will never come back and if they do... they are very slow growing.... it's like diabetes, very manageable"  Of course,  my immediate reaction is "oh S$#t." but it's been about an hour and I feel better.  I trust her. I trust myself too. I know I will do everything I can to stay healthy.  (scans as needed, blood work as needed, all annual appointments on time, healthy eating, exercise, etc)  We talked a little bit more about the surgery and ended the conversation with "see you Monday morning".

Anyone know what this is?  Three times now I've had light sensitivity.  Like flashing lights in my peripheral vision.  It's so annoying.  (and I'm not getting a migraine)


Unknown said...

Oh Jenesa,

I am so so very sorry that you are going through this right now, but I love your positive attitude and your Dr. sounds wonderful! I'm sure she will take very good care of you and help you get through this awful ordeal. I will be sending all of my prayers to you for a speedy recovery from surgery on Monday. If you ever need anything at all, please let me know. I'm glad you are keeping everyone updated with this blog. I would love to talk to you but I don't want to bug you now. Please give me a call when you feel up to it. I miss you and I'm sending all my love and prayers to you!!! Take care!!

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