Five years ago today I was told I had two types of cancer, both in my appendix. I was a 31 year old, healthy mom of two. And 5 years ago I was completely blindsided by this news. I spent that day in shock, completely rattled by the most intense fear one can experience. I remember praying to God to just let me live 5 more years. I had no idea how much my life was about to change.
I endured 3 surgeries, one requiring a vertical incision that left a large scar down my abdomen. I went to countless doctors appointment, have had countless blood draws and scans every 3-6 months followed by semi-annual then annual scans and now finally every two years. I had my most recent scan in September of this year which was No Evidence of Disease.
I changed the way I lived. I learned how to breathe through life's toughest moments. I learned that fear is only a lie that robs us of life. And I learned how to live big every single day.
We've moved 3 times.
I met the most amazing man almost 3 years after my divorce. I took my time and waited patiently for the right guy and I am thankful every day that I found him. We were blessed with a baby on July 2nd. My heart burst with gratitude as I introduce Easton, my sweet little miracle.
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I look back on these last 5 years with a sense of peace. No one deserves to go through cancer but I know that without going through it, I wouldn't have the life I have today. I am so happy.

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