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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Almost time again

It's almost scan time again.  I cannot believe it's been (almost) a year since I had a scan.  That.Is.Crazy!!  There was a time were I wanted to be checked every three months and could barely make it 6 months without worrying myself to extreme emotional anxiety.  But, life has been so good. 2016 has been very busy but so full of happiness and newness and excitement.

The highlights:
-Ava and Liam are great. They're growing up so quickly and blossoming into these amazing people.  I love them so, so much.
-Work is good.  I'm in a new position which is more clinical and more responsibility. I am in procedures with physicians and often find myself witnessing a patient getting diagnosed with cancer. It rocks me every single time.
-I have a boyfriend.  We've been together 6 months. I feel lucky to have met a man that is so wonderful.  He's funny and smart and we have the best time together.
-Everything about my life is so good right now. Today I have this life that I never could have expected a few years ago.  I have the best of friends; many longtime friendships but also many people I didn't know 4 years ago or barely knew.  My family is amazing. I have my health and my children are happy and healthy. I have a great job.  I have been able to travel. I am still so humbled by how fortunate I am.  I give thanks every single day. I am truly a lucky one.

So scan day is August 8th.  If I stop and really think about it, I'm very nervous.  This is technically my year 4 scan.  That's a big milestone.  I definitely have some anxiety about it BUT I'm not thinking about it.  Not because I'm trying not to but because I have learned that thinking about it and worrying about it does NOTHING.  I intend on enjoying July and the first 7 days of August.  I'll  do the scan on 8/8 and go from there. I feel very confident that I am healthy and cancer free and all is good in this body of mine.  As always, send some prayers my way in August and I'll update with the results.


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