I've been to Vegas, LA, Boise, Ft. Lauderdale, Houston, Boston, all over Michigan, Toledo, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Orlando and I'm headed back to Ft. Lauderdale this week, then Savannah and Jacksonville next week, then I'm off to Boston again, then Vegas again, then Puerto Rico, Sarasota, San Fransisco and Napa Valley, Boston again, Houston again and possibly finishing the year with Colorado and Mexico!!!! I absolutely love traveling. I love submerging myself into someone else's every day normal environment. To me, I'm in a completely different place and to them, it's just another day.
I'm about 6 weeks into my new job. I LOVE IT. I am working in the pulmonary endoscopy division with Boston Scientific and I feel beyond blessed. I have met so many wonderful people and I am a part of a great team. I am excited to go to work every day. This job is an answer to prayer and I am so very thankful to have this opportunity.
Ava is 5 days away from finishing kindergarten. My baby girl is growing so fast. 7 years ago the idea of being a mother was slowly sinking in as the morning sickness was setting in. And now my sweet girl is 6 years old, she's losing her baby teeth, she tells me all about life, fashion and the world from her sweet, innocent perspective. And my baby boy isn't a baby anymore. Mr. Liam, which is what he calls himself, is a super hero, loving little boy. He is cuddly and squeaky. I am holding on to any last bit of "baby" that I can. I still rock him and sing to him and it never fails that half way through "twinkle twinkle" we both start cracking up because of how silly it is that I am rocking this big, almost 4 year old boy in my arms. We laugh so hard that I almost cry. It's such a silly moment and so, so special. The best part is that I can tell that he aboslutey loves when I sing to him. Before the laughter sets in, he stares into my eyes and the comfort and joy it must bring him literally seeps out of his tiny voice through little sighs and "hmmms". It's sort of hard to explain but despite it turning into a silly moment, there's a few minutes of absolute bliss between us.
Lastly, I have a scan coming up. I have been feeling the anxiety creeping in. I know there's no reason to be worried, but it is nerve racking. I meet with my oncologist this coming Thursday and I'm hoping to fit my scan in Friday. Once the scan is complete, I'll pick up the discs, overnight them to Dr. Bartlett and PRAY that there is still No Evidence of Disease. I'll also do the normal tumor marker blood tests and some other random cancer urine and blood tests. I will be so relieved to have this round behind me. Please pray that I am still cancer free.
I suppose that's it for now. I will definitely update once the scan results are in.
As we enter the 6th month of 2014 let's not take a day for granted. Enjoy the simple things in life. Acknowledge all of the beauty in our world. Do one thing a day that makes YOU happy. Do many things for other's happiness. And be thankful for where you are today.
Me and Ava at the pool Memorial Day weekend. She loves doing "selfies"
Liam was so tired he passed out holding onto me. What a sweet angel.

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