Dear 2014,
Thank-you. Thank-you for taking my breath away countless times, for the experiences I'll never forget, for taking me places I've never been and for bringing me back to places that I love. Thank-you for my amazing family who I treasure with every ounce of my soul especially my two healthy, beautiful children, Ava and Liam. Thank-you for friends that have been with me throughout the years and for the incredible new friends I made in 2014. Thank-you for my health. I am completely humbled by the countless blessings I received in 2014 and am beyond excited and optimistic for an amazing 2015. I have a very good feeling about what's to come!!
This is one of my favorite posts to write. What an honor it is to sit back and reflect over the past year. I vividly remember sitting on my sofa last New Years Eve as I wrote my reflection on 2013. That was a tough year and I remember my thoughts and wonder as I wrote how despite the tough months that were behind me and the uncertainty of the future I was hopeful. It almost brings me to tears as I reflect on 2014. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a better year.
I know good fortune, God's grace, luck or whatever you want to call it is part of the reason for such an amazing year but I do take some credit. Creating an open mind, positive intentions and willing to experience whatever life threw at me, to me, had a tremendous effect on my year. I was a "yes man" (or yes woman) I didn't waver on a decision, I went after new experiences, I put myself "out there" and I soaked in every day as if it were my last.
So what advise do I have for 2015. Simply live in the present. Never let fear impact your decisions or life. Fear is fake. Try many new things. Challange yourself. Don't take yourself or anyone too seriously. Exercise. Travel. Dance. Laugh. Volunteer. LOVE Big and LIVE Big.
Happy New Year and CHEERS to 2015!!