Tonight has been quite eventful! My sweet Ava suddenly got very sick and she and I spent a few hours at the urgent care sorting out her 104.3 degree fever and vomiting/shivering episodes. There really is nothing more frightening than seeing your child so sick. She's been so healthy that I was caught off guard tonight. So far she's tested negative for flu, so we'll watch and monitor her closely. I mention this because I am amazingly calm. Don't get me wrong I'm really, really worried and would like to stay awake all night watching her breathe but I seem to have learned a lesson about useless anxiety. The old me would be totally freaking out. I'd be googling things from menigitis to H1N1 to a rare tropical disease she "could have" picked up at the beach this past weekend. For now, I'll pray for a fast recovery and nurse her back to feeling good.

This brings me to another similar subject....... I am in a little battle with useless anxiety over surgery on December 6th. At times, I momentarily freak out about the "what ifs" with the next MRI or what they may see once they look inside my abdomen. I definitely know that worrying does nothing but cause useless anxiety over things that may or may not be true. So for the most part, I'm doing ok. I get a little choked up thinking about enduring another surgery, regardless if it's small or huge. I really just want a break. But I'm so thanful that this is my situation. I could have it so much worse and I know that whatever is to come I can handle it and I will overcome and continue living a healthy and happy life.
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