I watched two documentaries this weekend. Forks over knifes and Happy. I definitely recommend both. Watching Happy was so powerful. It is amazing how people with what we would consider so little are SO happy and I look around at so many people who have SO much and are not nearly as happy as the people with less. I took a lot away from the film but what I want to concentrate on this week is the act of unsolicited kindness and finding things I am passionate about, espciallay things that challange me.
Kindness: Human beings thrive on doing things for others. We all know how good it feels to do something for someone, especially when they are not expecting it. It can be as simple as holding a door for a stranger or buying coffee for the person behind you at Starbucks ( or your local organic coffee shop :) The options are endless and I plan on doing more and more kind things for friends and strangers.
Passion: Please don't get me wrong, I have plenty in my life that I am passionate about, especially when it comes to my family but I know I am missing something that challanges me. I grew up playing competitive soccer. It was my life. I loved practicing. I love getting better and I loved challenging myself. I loved the feeling of walking off of the field knowing I played my heart out. As I have reflected on my life these past few months I am realizing that maybe I lost a part of myself when I stopped playing. When something is such a big part of your life and then suddenly it is not, you do loose a part of yourself. And I never really replaced it. Since I stopped playing I have remained active but nothing has come close to the committment I had when soccer was in my life. I'm not sure I'm going to reactivate my soccer career but I need to find something. I have been taking yoga classes and I really like it. I am thinking about coaching soccer again. I really loved that too I just know that I need something in my life that challanges me and that I am passionate about.
And lastly, giving thanks to what we have is something that should be a part of all of our lives. Seriously, I know that I am extremely blessed and even in my doom and gloom moments, just concentrating on all that is good can really help. I have started a gratitude journal and plan on wrting in it often, even if it is a little list of what was good that day.

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