I had the scan around 2 and got to the appointment at 230. We had to wait to see Dr B until after 5! It's crazy how busy these cancer hospitals are. My mom and I basically skipped and danced out of there and the second we got outside I received a frantic phone call from my sister. She got home with Ava and Liam at 6 and found no Callie and my back door wide open. I had some workers at my house at 10 and they must have accidentally let her out. It was a horrible, sinking moment. I could hear Ava crying in the background and I was totally helpless. The worst part was Callie didn't have a tag on her collar. Sean and I pass her back and forth and she recently got a new collar and her tags hadn't been added to it. I even noticed earlier in the week and said out loud "I need to get you new tags!" We blasted social media pages, lost doggie sites, craigslist, anything we could think of. I live near two busy streets and I feared the worst but thank goodness a lovely couple picked her up around 3pmwhen it was pouring and tried to find us.... But since we didn't know she was missing until 6, they dropped her off at the humane society. I picked her up as soon as I got back to Tampa and she came home with new tags AND a microchip. We are so thankful!!
Needless to say yesterday was a day of high highs and a really brief low low.
I am so grateful for all of the positive thoughts and prayers. I felt completely calm on Thursday and I know it is because I was wrapped up in all the light that was being sent my way.